Snehha Padmanabhan
3 min readJan 1, 2020


How to become a Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer — the 3 reasons for my success

I would like to share my experiences and the steps I took to become a Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer for all of you aspiring to become one as well.

Before I get started, if you feel that this exam is a Himalayan task and is too tough, do not feel so. It is doable with the ample amount of preparation. I started on my GCP journey in the beginning of the 5th semester of my undergraduate degree and was able to attain the certification by the end of that semester. While I took roughly 5 months, some of you might take lesser or more time depending on your commitments. So I will just give a gist of my journey and you can choose what suits you best.


  1. The Architecting with Google Cloud Platform Specialization on Coursera : This specialization laid the foundation to my journey. It is a wonderful list of courses taught by specialists from Google and Qwiklabs. The courses contain numerous quizzes and hands on practice through labs that strengthen our concepts. I started the course with no prior knowledge on cloud. Getting confident with the course material helped me understand about the GCP really well. If you are looking for a place to get started, then voila, you have found the right place.
  2. Qwiklabs : Completing the Qwiklabs Quests helped me apply the concepts that I learnt in theory. I think this bridge between theory and practicals gives a lot of exposure. I also participated in a couple of Cloud Hero Challenges. Although I was not able to secure a descent rank in those contests, I did learn a lot.
  3. The Official Exam Study Guide : This was the final touch to my preparation. I spent about 10 whole days of my vacation getting thorough with the Official Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide. I think this was the most crucial part of my preparation strategy. I would recommend all of you to refer to this book after you are done with the course. Make an attempt at all the exercise questions and understand the solutions.


  • The exam consisted of 50 multiple choice questions. There was a wide variety of questions. For instance, in some questions, I was given a situation and asked to provide a solution to the problem using GCP. Some others involved choosing the right product. There isn’t a fixed type of questions that can be asked.
  • It wasn’t very easy to attempt an the choices given were very close to each other. Rereading the questions helped me get to the solution. I solved the problems by eliminating the choices that I though were wrong

This is my certificate :

With that said, you can apply for the exam through the official site. You can choose a convenient date, time slot and test center. All other details regarding the syllabus and exam can be found here in the official website : . Good luck and have a fun time learning.



Snehha Padmanabhan

A lot about computers and technology excites me. I learn, I code, I write. Cloud and data is where my mind is. My LinkedIn @Snehha Padmanabhan.